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Regular Monthly Meeting
Newtown Board of Fire Commissioners
April 25, 2011
Dodgingtown Fire Department
Called to Order at 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present:   Burton, Cragin, Dugan, Goosman, Jossick, McCulloch and Wlasuk.

Marshal’s Present:  Halstead and Ober


Minutes of the March 28th regular monthly meeting tabled until May meeting.

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Public Participation – None

Fire Marshals Report:

Halstead reported:
  • For the month of there were 209 calls, 545 incidents and 390 hours worked.   $225 in fees collected.
  • Total damage was $311,500 for the month.  
Frampton – Fire Drill at Children’s Adventure Center.
Ober insisted with inspections at Maplewood and Rand Whitney.
No new information from Dispatch as of today.  Investigations being done in other towns before committing to turning over to regional dispatch.
Still waiting for information back from North Eastern on narrow-banding.  Should report at next monthly meeting.
Any suggestions or comments regarding dispatch should all be funneled through Bill Halstead, Fire Marshal.  Cragin notified the First Selectman of this information.
  • We will not have to replace all pagers.  Halstead waiting for this information via a written letter.
Standing Committees:

Budget – Transfers were made to Fire House Maintenance from Truck Maintenance, Equipment Repairs, Radios and Supplies.  There were a lot of repairs for Newtown Hook and Ladder’s boiler and furnace.  Recommend that we do a month-to-month on the paid drivers.

Truck – McCulloch reported:
  • Registrations were handed out.  No issues with town-owned trucks.
  • Gowans and McKnight having an open house this Saturday.
  • Anyone who drives a town-owned truck must fill out a motor vehicle operating record form to be turned into Rob by the June meeting so that they can be turned into Carole Ross by July.
Radio – no report

Policy and Procedures – no report

Hydrant – no report

NUSAR – annual hydrant inspections.  One is out of service on Old Mill Road and will be fixed by Nagy Brothers.  Report will be submitted when completed.

Purchasing Agent – RIP checks did go out.  Large expenditure due to all the calls.  Cragin discussed with Chief Halstead a transferee driver’s request to be paid while on probation.  Halstead will handle the request directly.

Old Business:    
  • Spare Truck – McCulloch reported that the Truck Committee would like ideas from the commissioners on how they feel the spare truck should be handled.  McCulloch will make a final recommendation and advise Cragin of when to put it back on the agenda.
  • Botsford Fire and Rescue – their only concern is what they would use if the truck was sold.  
  • Sandy Hook – feels it’s not a benefit to the town, and wouldn’t be used on their part.  
  • Dodgingtown – uses the truck.
  • Burton suggested that the fire company could use this money more productively if the vehicle was sold.
  • The appeal on the NH&L firehouse is still pending in the courts.  Looking for alternatives – perhaps behind Edmond Town Hall.  
  • Cragin asked that he be informed of all meetings that take place pertaining to fire services so he is prepared for any questions that might arise.  
New Business:
  • Training requests – Dugan would like to build a training wall behind United Fire and Rescue for training purposes and would like to use $600 for lumber from their training account and is seeking the Commissioner’s approval.  Dugan will submit all receipts first before reimbursement is made.  All commissioners support this initiative.  This wall can be used by all departments.
MOTION:   McCulloch made a motion to approve Newtown Hook and Ladder’s request in the amount of $4,745.9 for miscellaneous items.
SECONDED:  Jeff Dugan

MOTION:   Burton made a motion to approve Sandy Hook’s request in the amount of $1200.
SECONDED:  Jossick

MOTION:  Dugan made a motion to approve Botsford Fire and Rescue’s requests for - $4341.14 for travel expenses and hotel for FDIC;  $450 for Rental Fee for Danbury Burn Building 4/18/11; $1080 for Engine Company OPS Class for 9 members March 19th & 20th; and $350 for Rental Fee for Danbury Burn Building 3/24/11.  Lastly, $225 was not reimbursed (no receipts) for 2011-FDIC Tuition for 3 members.
SECONDED:  Jossick

Cragin moved into Executive Session at 7:42 p.m.
Cragin moved out of Executive Session at 7:47 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey
Secretary BOFC